Then life Intervened
I was contemplating the way the sunshine gleamed
on the polished chrome of the kitchen faucet –
creating a star of cosmic proportions for a small sink –
when the telephone’s strident voice
broke the silence.
My book, the story forgotten on my lap while I
thought of stars and moons and planets
loose in my kitchen, fell to the floor and closed
its covers so the occupants could not escape.
Donning hat and coat, boots and gloves against the cold,
I ventured out to collect the “ready for pickup now” prescription
of pills designed to keep the pain of old-age rheumatism at bay,
at least for a while, and returned home with a quart of milk
and a box of Bandaids, the former to add to my tea,
the latter to pamper the small cuts life provides daily.
Ensconced in my chair once more, a quilt draped across my lap
to still the shivers, my book once again in my hands,
a mug of milky tea at my elbow, I searched for the page
I’d been reading before the advent of the star.
Three lines later, I glanced out the window to see a crow,
followed by three more, slice the blue with their black wings.
Four crows now flew in my head, their raucous voices echoing –
did they call directions to one another? Gossip?
Shout for the pure joy of hearing their own voices in the void?
I noticed the faucet star had turned to a rainbow that danced on the floor
at my feet. And as I watched, it slowly crept toward the quilt on my knees,
climbed my leg, and spread itself across the pages of my book.
Rainbow words, redorangeyellowgreenblueindigoviolet, shimmered.
I tilted the book, splashing the colors on the floor once more where they
lay quietly, singing themselves out of existence as the sun inched westward.
I got lost in the story, conversed and ate and slept, worked and wept with the
people who lived forever between cardboard covers. When it grew too dark
to see the words, I set the fictional world aside and made my way to the
kitchen, remembering it agleam with reflected starlight, itself a fiction. Which world
did I inhabit, I wondered – the fictional one I’d just left or the one I made up
for myself?
As I prepared supper, life intervened. I fetched a Bandaid for the cut.