Wednesday, June 20, 2012


They were a dingy almond. Now they look like frosting!

Kitchen cabinets cleaned, sanded, and painted glossy white.  
(It's amazing to discover what creatures of habit we are simply by putting everything in our kitchens somewhere else temporarily.)

Wedding dress completed.  
(Except for the hem. I can't finish that until the bride tries the dress on with her footwear of the day. And I can't post a photo until she sees the dress first!)

Wedding gifts wrapped.  
(Both of my sisters in Oregon and my daughter in Florida sent their gifts ahead of their arrival to be wrapped and delivered so they didn't have to bring heavy extras on their flights. My sofa is covered with wrapped delights.)

Still left to do: 
*Load the pots and pans and silverware and sundries back into the painted cabinets.
*Paint the remaining kitchen cabinet (there was nowhere to unload what was in it).
*Calligrapher guest names on the place cards.
*Create a wedding card for my youngest daughter and her husband-to-be. It has to be as special as they are.
*Collect all the items still needed for the wedding (blankets to cover the hay bales, tablecloths and napkins for the dinner tables, coffeepot, canning jars (for candles), etc.
*Clean cottage before leaving so when I return with my sisters in tow we won't all gasp when we open the door.

I'm off and running!


Brian Miller said...

glad you took a quick breathing break...dont you love retirement...smiles...

Hilary said...

Remember to stop, breathe and enjoy. Of course you will.

Out on the prairie said...

You are always on the run lately, I hope you slow down at some time.

June said...

I'm impressed with your decision to PAINT CABINETS when you have so much other stuff going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friko said...

Now this is a wedding I'd like to attend. I was reading elsewhere in blogland about a wedding which is costing tons of money, everything ordered in and nothing created by the people involved.

This sounds so much more joyful and exciting.

May your labours be appreciated.

Judith said...

Retired and doing nothing ---
Your list of "nothing" leaves me gasping for air!

Pauline said...

Brian - the breaks are short and sweet but it's so hot today (92 as i type and climbing) that I need to stop and cool off!

Hilary I do, I do, and then I think of something else I MUST do and I'm running again!

OOTP - I will collapse on July 6th when all the festivities are over and the last of my company has departed.

June - I wanted to get them done before my sisters came for a visit. The kitchen was so dingy! They do look much better now! It's been a push to get things done but gradually everything on my list is being checked off!

Friko - you'd love it. The ceremony will be in a vast green meadow and the dinner under a large white tent. There's very little that's traditional about it and a good many of the trimmings are handmade. It's my favorite way of doing things and this particular daughter feels the same way. I'll take plenty of pictures and share after it's all over :)

lol J - I will relax later. I do take breaks to just sit in my screen tent and read while sipping a cold drink. No doubt I'll be bored once I stop rushing about so!

Anonymous said...

Have fun!! (I know you will!)

Anonymous said...

Have fun!! (I know you will!)