Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Colorful Sunday Write

A cheerful bit of winter green.
This Sunday's writing prompt: color.

My four-year-old granddaughter is very interested in knowing everyone’s favorite color - Mama’s, Papa’s, sister Lily’s, mine. She insisted I pick just one so I told her without hesitation that my favorite color is green. And that’s true, but so is blue in any shade from robin’s egg to cerulean, and every hue of orange with the exception of neon, rust being a definite. I’m partial to pale yellow fading to cream, and the pink that appears on the horizon at dawn. In fact, pink in every shade (though no hot pink, please) pleases me, as do various shades of brown.  I once had my colors done and was told my palette was definitely pastel. No violent colors for me, red least of all. I like red mixed with yellow, though, and when you mix it with blue I love the vast array of available purples.

Still, if I had to pick just one color it would be green; grass green and pea soup green, hemlock green, the blue green of spruce and every shade of leaf. I like lime and mint greens, military green and Kermit the Frog green.

According to color psychology, green is the color of equilibrium and harmony, balancing the heart and the emotions. It is also the color of growth and of spring. It restores depleted energy, creating a sanctuary from stress and increasing a sense of well-being.

“Green encompasses the mental clarity and optimism of yellow with the emotional calm and insight of blue, inspiring hope and a generosity of spirit.” So says one color psychology site ( When I think of the way I operate in the world, I can see that’s true. I’m a green girl, wanting to understand everything and needing to share what I learn.

I once had a favorite green blouse that made me feel all-of-a-piece when I wore it.  The gray green of unripe olives, the color complemented the yellow in my hair and the pink of my skin. I’d put it on and conquer the world every time. I wore it to shreds.

John Denver’s song, Cool and Green and Shady is one of my favorites. I love green leafy things to eat – spinach, lettuce, beet greens, cabbage, Brussels sprouts – and have decorated my living space in varying shades of blue-green.

I can get lost in the blue of the sky, ooooh and aaaahhh over pink sunsets, dress in shades of russet and brown, but hands down, green is the hue I’d wrap my world in if given the choice of just one color.


Brian Miller said...

perhaps green matched the mood you were in at the moment...i am rather fond of color and would have a hard time settling on just one...i rather like the bright colors and solar yellow....lime green...smiles...

Out on the prairie said...

I have worn green a lot, I laugh at the bright colors I have developed into. During hunting season it is best to have bright on for hunters stalking prey.

Anonymous said...

I'd have a tough time choosing just one, too. And my choice of the moment would probably depend on my mood and the season. But green is definitely one of my favorites. In fact, I'm wearing a sweater that fits the description of the blouse you mentioned right now!

Tabor said...

I used to have turquoise as my favorite when young, but now I tend to love the reds...terracotas all the way to the vermillion and ruby.

Judith said...

You do know, of course (Kermit has told us), that it's not easy being green!
You'll like our new car, I guess. It's color is cypress green, the light has to be just right in order to see that it's green at all. But we've grown to like it a lot.