Sunday, March 08, 2009

Looking For A Reason

A fellow blogger sent this to me. What's your "bacon" ?

Mine changes. Sometimes it's necessity - it's a work day, nature calls in the midst of a dream, the cat wants to go out, etc. But mostly it's curiosity that pulls me out from under the covers. What will the day bring and how will I respond? Will I create or just float?


Unknown said...

what a fantastic cartoon!
My bacon...
Lately - what I am noticing is that what I thought was my bacon I am not convinced of any more. I get up and I say that the smell of the pancakes got me up ... and I believe that is true ... but in reality I do not know what gets me up. Getting up and not getting up have reached a place of equal. I love both and then it is time to get up... and it happens. And I doubt I could stop it from happening. I love to think I know the reason and honestly, I don't.

meggie said...

I find myself increasingly thinking of 'really old' people, & what keeps them getting up. I remember how long it took my mother to get up. She had emphysema, & it was a real effort, with many stops for breath. Really, I dont consider myself 'old'... but I still wonder why I get up, some days.

Pauline said...

milaelah! how could to see a comment from you! sometimes I'm not sure what gets me up either, but curiosity almost always is in there somewhere...

meggie - as long as you keep trying to figure it out ;)

Yes said...

A full bladder will do it--sometimes it is the only way to get me out of bed. I guess it's a blessing...right?

Cool post!