Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Outing

River in flood
Periodically I co-lead write/walk workshops at Bartholomew's Cobble, a Trustees of Reservations property not far from where I live. We plan a program that includes writing prompts, a mostly silent walk through the woods and meadows that make up the Cobble, and a group writing/reading wrap-up back at the Ranger Station.  Today's walk was in celebration of the month-long Berkshire Women Writer's Festival.

The Housatonic River runs through the Cobble and is currently in flood stage. Most of the snow has receded, leaving slick spots on some of the trails that wind past ancient boulders and through heavily wooded areas. Nearer the river, parts of the trail were under water.

Returning Canada geese
It's almost impossible to walk there and not be inspired by some aspect of nature, be it weather, the rocks and trees, or the wildlife. The geese have returned to find their placid summer river spread across the width and breadth of meadow and farmland. Several flocks called loudly across the watery expanse to one another. Crows and jays squawked from the tree tops and ducks murmured to themselves along the river bank.

Emerging skunk cabbage cone
We discovered one tiny hepatica blossom and numerous skunk cabbage cones emerging from the stream and surrounding swamp. And after all was said and done, I discovered a poem.


The going snow,
scoured by March winds,
collapses in the sun,
wilts in the warm promise of April.

Slowly it settles.
Slowly it dies,
and rises again
as green.


Brian Miller said... days that another may live...snow to water the spring...smiles.

Hilary said...

Beautiful, Pauline. That's a lovely deed you do with those workshops.

Ruth said...

Nature opens me up, emotionally, and also to writing. So good that you do this.

Word and sound gifts today from you: Cobble, Housatonic, placid, hepatica.

Reya Mellicker said...

Wow, it is WET there.

Beautiful poem. Ain't it the truth?

DCW said...

I like the poem. I am working in a downtown office but I walked a narrow alley this afternoon free of snow and slush for the first time in months. The sun rebounded off the surrounding buildings and even the street seemed to breathe.

Yes new life is imminent.

Anonymous said...

Hope and anticipation so succinctly captured here, Pauline.

Pauline said...

brian - snow to water... it's what we're waiting for!

Hilary - it's such a wonderful way to write about nature while in nature

Ruth - I repeated those words and enjoyed the sounds all over again :)

Reya - wet indeed! And more rain all day tomorrow!

DCW - I know that feeling! Thanks for stopping by.

Dick - thank you. It's an unworked first rough draft but even so, I managed the gist of what I was feeling.

Unknown said...

I've been trying to spend as much time as possible outdoors.
This rising of the green... there is nothing like.